Datadobi unveils StorageMAP 7.1 for data scalability
Datadobi has launched StorageMAP 7.1, the latest version of its unstructured data management platform.
This update comes after the introduction of StorageMAP 7.0, which was designed to provide enterprises with enhanced insights for better control, portability, optimisation, and management of unstructured data. The new version 7.1 aims to address additional challenges faced globally by users, including offering an HDI Archive Appliance Bypass feature, sample dashboards, and significant improvements in scalability and performance.
Datadobi has focused on evolving the StorageMAP to address behind-the-scenes improvements in scalability and performance. The Unstructured Data Mobility Engine (uDME) at the heart of StorageMAP has been enhanced to meet the ongoing challenges of modern unstructured data environments. "Scale is one of the most critical factors in dealing with unstructured data management in today's large and complex environments," commented a company spokesperson.
The representative emphasised the significance of addressing scalability challenges: "The challenge has two dimensions: 1) the capacity being managed and 2) the number of items (i.e., files and objects) being managed. Capacity and item count combine to create a challenge only StorageMAP can address. In contrast, trying to manage a large environment with a solution that cannot handle scale will result in disappointment, failed projects, and a sunk cost in software that doesn't deliver the desired value. With its industry-best ability to handle scale, StorageMAP solves the problem altogether."
Another key feature of StorageMAP 7.1 is the introduction of the HDI Archive Appliance Bypass to enhance migration performance for archived data using the Hitachi Data Ingestor (HDI). This feature allows multiple connections to the storage systems, effectively bypassing the archiving appliance that traditionally relocates and retrieves archived data.
The spokesperson identified the benefits of this advancement by stating, "The problem with the middleware archiving appliance is its significant performance limitations that make migrating all active and archived data an extremely slow process typically riddled with errors. Additionally, the migration workload on the archiving appliance hinders continued archival and retrieval operations. In bypassing the middleware and reading data directly from the primary and archive storage systems, StorageMAP greatly accelerates and enhances the accuracy of an otherwise problematic migration."
Datadobi has also considered onboarding and usability in StorageMAP 7.1 through the provision of sample dashboards to assist customers in creating custom dashboards. This complements the earlier version 7.0 feature that allowed the creation of custom dashboards by providing examples to ease the initial setup process.
The company's strategy behind the release of sample dashboards is explained as, "With the 7.1 release, Datadobi is providing example dashboards that a customer can refer to for both ideas to include in their own custom dashboards. Customers can also refer to the definition of the widgets included in the example dashboards as a training aid that will help them derive value from StorageMAP quickly."